Breathwork For Energy: Supercharge Your Morning Routine & Boost your Energy Levels

Breathwork For Energy- Supercharge Your Morning Routine & Boost your Energy Levels

Key points 

  • Breathwork can elevate your energy levels and make your mornings more vibrant.
  • Six simple breathwork techniques for energy to supercharge your mornings and fuel your day.
  • Breathwork can clear mental fog and get you ready to face the day.
  • Deep, controlled breathing enhances oxygen intake, reduces stress, and boosts overall energy.
  • Tips on creating a quick and effective morning breathwork routine to start your day with maximum energy.

Good morning, sunshine! Want to have more energy to burn? Ever feel like you’re waking up in slow motion while the world around you speeds ahead? If hitting snooze is your cardio, and coffee your lifeline, it’s time for a change and breathwork is the perfect remedy! 

Just a few minutes of specific breathwork techniques for energy can crank up your vitality, clear out the cobwebs, and get you ready to conquer the day. Breathwork is a game-changer that’s about to make your mornings as energising and inspiring as the perfect sunrise!

Let’s dive into the world of conscious breathing and discover how this trending practice can revolutionise your mornings. 

Together we’ll explore 6 easy breathing techniques that can help transform your dawns into a dynamic start. I’ll also give you tips on starting a breathwork practice and you’ll find a simple 15-25 minute routine to use upon waking – so no more excuses.

Are you ready to unlock your inner dynamo and elevate your morning routine? Let’s go!

Breathwork Techniques & Energy Levels

Breathwork Techniques & Energy Levels

So many of our daily responsibilities require a great deal of energy. Just think of all the things you do in a single day; Working, going to school, looking after the kids, running around, cooking, shopping, taking care of household chores…and more. Then there’s all the other stuff: exercising, sport, socialising and hobbies. It all adds up and actually requires a great deal of energy.

So, if you constantly feel fatigued or like you have an energy deficit, you’re not alone. A 2023 study on the prevalence of fatigue in the global population, found that 20% experienced general tiredness, and 10% suffered from chronic fatigue. The good news is that breathwork techniques for energy help increase the oxygen your system needs to function optimally, energising your body and mind as a result. Let’s look at how breathing and our energy levels are linked.

How to Get Energy, Just from Breathing (Correctly!)

How to Get Energy, Just from Breathing

Breathing directly impacts your energy levels because oxygen is a key ingredient in the chemistry of life. It’s essential to the human body. In fact, every vital organ in the body requires oxygen to function. When vital organs receive enough oxygen they then convert it into energy and carbon dioxide.


When you breathe out, carbon dioxide (CO2) is expelled from your body. There are a few things that can go wrong with this picture. Firstly, not breathing in deeply enough means that your body isn’t receiving enough oxygen to work properly. Not enough oxygen reaches the lungs and makes it through your bloodstream to your vital organs. Big problem! Inadequate oxygen intake can cause fatigue and a host of other health issues as your body is unable to work optimally and your organs are unable to perform their duties without the fuel they require.

Carbon Dioxide

Carbon Dioxide

Secondly, not breathing out sufficiently to release the CO2 your body creates can cause a buildup of this gas in your system. CO2 is the gas that indicates to your body that it needs more oxygen, so this buildup in your system causes you to breathe more. This might seem like it could fix the problem, however, more often than not it leads to chronic overbreathing, a situation where you find yourself breathing more frequently, and more rapidly, but not breathing better.


Overbreathing is characterised by short, shallow chest breaths, as opposed to deep, slow belly breaths. The problem, you see, is that we are in the same situation as before: not enough oxygen! It’s simple. Not enough air is taken in for oxygen to saturate the lungs, and so, it becomes a vicious cycle! Breathing more, but not breathing better.

Is Stress Sapping Your Energy?

The worst part of this picture is that this overbreathing stimulates the sympathetic nervous system aka the survival response. This is your body’s fight or flight reflex and means more stress, more energy consumed by worrying thoughts, anxiety and a host of related health issues both mental and physical. Your brain actually uses the most energy out of any organ. So over thinking, living in stress mode, and in a spin of ongoing survival-fuelled dramas can really zap your energy.

INFOGRAPHIC showing the benefits of diaphramatic breathing

Conscious Breathing: The Remedy

Conscious Breathing The Remedy

The good news is that deliberate, deep breaths have the opposite effect on your system. They stimulate the parasympathetic side of your nervous system, aka the rest and digest response. This decreases your heart rate, increases oxygen delivery, and boosts your energy and well-being. The survival response is calmed and you are able to think more clearly. Hormones of pleasure and safety are released into your system. Your breath slows down and deepens the more relaxed you become creating a positive cycle. Happy days!

12 Energising Benefits of Breathwork

Breathwork can significantly increase your energy and this happens through a whole range of physiological, psychological, and biochemical mechanisms! Here are the main ways conscious breathing can give you more energy to burn:

  1. Increases Oxygen Supply: Deep, controlled breathing increases your oxygen intake, which boosts cellular respiration and energy production.
  1. Improves Circulation: Enhanced blood flow improves the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to tissues and organs, invigorating your body.
  1. Activates Parasympathetic Response: Shifting from the fight-or-flight “survival” response to a state of rest and digest conserves your energy.
  1. Detoxifies: Conscious, “low and slow” diaphragmatic breathing helps expel metabolic waste products more efficiently, supporting detoxification and reducing fatigue.
  1. Regulates Stress and Anxiety: Your brain uses the most energy of your entire system! Calming the mind and stabilising emotions means you expend less on tension and worry. 
  1. Balances the Autonomic Nervous System: Enhances bodily functions such as digestion, immune response, and sleep, leading to higher energy levels.
  1. Increases Nitric Oxide: This molecule helps dilate blood vessels, improving blood flow and oxygen delivery. It also makes it easier to breathe, by opening the airways. More oxygen, better circulation…more energy.
  1. Improves Mental Clarity and Focus: Improved oxygen to your brain reduces mental fog.
  1. Releases Stuck Emotions and Promotes Healing: Processing and releasing emotional blocks can provide a sense of liberation and renewed energy.
  1. Stimulates the Vagus Nerve: Promotes recovery and energy restoration.
  1. Creates New Neural Pathways: Enhances your mental agility and creativity.
  1. Balances Hormones: Contributes to overall energy regulation and reduces fatigue.

6 Breathwork Techniques for a Positive & Supercharged Morning

Let’s explore the best breathwork techniques that will supercharge your energy and set you up for a fantastic day.

1. Diaphragmatic Breathing

Diaphragmatic breathing, or “belly breathing,” involves breathing deeply into the diaphragm to enhance oxygen intake and promote relaxation. This technique can help reduce stress and improve your overall well-being, as it activates the Relaxation Response.

How to:

Step 1 – Lie down or sit comfortably.

Step 2 – Breathe in deeply through the nose, allowing your belly to rise.

Step 3 – Exhale slowly through the mouth (or nose), letting your belly fall. Be sure to breathe all the way out, all the way to empty, on each exhalation so there’s nothing more left to breathe out. This will make the next inhale much deeper and more effective.

Step 4 – Continue. Practise for 5-10 minutes, focusing on deep, slow, even breaths.


  • Improves oxygen flow 
  • Increases energy levels
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Reduces physical stress
  • Promotes overall well-being
  • Massages internal organs to get things moving!
  • Improves lung capacity and respiratory efficiency
  • Causes body to release feel good hormones
  • Helps set a conscious and positive tone for the rest of your day.

Imagine your belly is a balloon you are slowly filling up with air!

2. Kapalabhati (Skull Shining Breath/Breath of Fire)

Kapalabhati (Skull Shining BreathBreath of Fire)

This practice is a yogic breathing technique (pranayama) where the focus is on inhaling passively and exhaling forcefully. It clears the mind and energises the whole system. 

How to:

Step 1 – Sit comfortably with your spine straight, place your palms on your thighs. Relax your shoulders down.

Step 2 – Take a deep inhale through your nose. Feel your abdomen gently expand.

Step 3 – Exhale forcefully through your nose while contracting your abdominal muscles.

Step 4 – Continue with quick, forceful exhalations and passive inhalations. Inhalation and exhalation should be the same length  Continue for 1-3 minutes. Start slow if you are new, build up the pace with practice.


  • Cleanses and strengthens the lungs
  • Energises the body and mind
  • Boosts brain function
  • Strengthens abdominals
  • Improves digestion
  •  Improves concentration and mental clarity
  • Clears the mind leaving you calm and focussed

It’s like coughing – only with your mouth closed!

3. Wim Hof Method

The Wim Hof method combines deep, rhythmic breathing with breath retention (and you can add cold exposure if you like) to boost energy and resilience. This method works best on an empty stomach.

How to:

Step 1 – Get into a comfortable position. You can perform this technique while sitting or lying down, but ensure your belly has enough room to breathe.

Step 2 – Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Fill your lungs with oxygen and then let the breath out naturally, without exerting force. Repeat this process approximately 30 times in direct succession.

Step 3 – After your last exhalation you should hold your breath for as long as possible, until the urge to breathe comes up. The duration may be longer than you would expect.

Step 4 – Take another big breath and hold it for 15 seconds. Then let the air go again. Subsequently, go back to step 1 and repeat this cycle about three times.


  • Increases energy and endurance
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Enhances mental clarity and focus

Pretend you’re preparing for a Wim Hof style polar plunge! 

NOTE: Wim Hof, Breath of Fire, and Kapalabhati are not recommended if you are pregnant or have some medical conditions such as gastric ulcer (check first before using!).

4. Box Breathing (Square Breathing)

Box Breathing (Square Breathing)

Box breathing involves inhaling, holding the breath, exhaling, and holding the breath again – all for an equal count of 4 seconds. It can help to imagine you are working your way around the 4 edges of a square. It gives a calm, grounded focus to your morning energy.

How to:

Step 1 – Find a comfortable position, sitting or lying down.

Step 2 – Inhale through your nose for 4 counts.

Step 3 – Hold your breath for 4 counts.

Step 4 – Exhale through your nose for 4 counts.

Step 5 – Hold your breath for 4 counts. Repeat for 5-10 minutes.

Imagine you are working your way around the 4 sides of a square.


  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Enhances mental clarity and focus
  • Balances the nervous system
  • Allows you to start the day energised but also feeling calm.

5. Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing)

Nadi Shodhana, or alternate nostril breathing, is a yogic breathing technique which balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain. It promotes mental clarity and reduces stress and anxiety whilst balancing energy flow.

How to:

Step 1 – Find a Comfortable Position. Sit with a long, straight spine. Relax your shoulders.

Step 2 – Close the Right Nostril – Use your right thumb to close your right nostril and inhale through the left nostril.

Step 3 – Close the Left Nostril – Close the left nostril with your right ring finger, then exhale through the right nostril.

Step 4 – Inhale Through the Right Nostril – Keep the left nostril closed and inhale through the right.

Step 5 – Exhale. Through the Left Nostril – Close the right nostril and exhale through the left. Continue. Repeat this cycle for 5-10 minutes.


  • Balances brain hemispheres
  • Enhances mental clarity
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Induces peacefulness
  • Enhances mental clarity and energy
  • Promotes emotional stability

6. Heart Coherence Breathing

Heart Coherence Breathing

Heart Coherence Breathing is a beautiful technique that helps generate positive states, and brings emotional balance and mental clarity. It promotes coherence between the heart and brain, which ensures your system is working optimally using the least amount of effort and energy

How to:

Step 1 – Get into a comfortable position, sitting or lying down.

Step 2 – Breathe gently in for a count of 5 and gently exhale for a count of 5, through the nose.

Step 3 – Focus on your heart centre: Imagine the breath flowing in and out of the heart area.

Step 4 – Invite/generate a positive emotion. This could be a sense of appreciation, gratitude, love, kindness etc. You have the amazing human ability to do this! Practise for 5-10 minutes, maintaining a steady and even rhythm.


  • Enhances mood
  • Enhances energy
  • Boosts mental clarity
  • Balances hormones
  • Access peak states of mindfulness.
  • Balances heart rate variability
  • Reduces emotional volatility
  • Improves overall emotional health
  • Supports heart health
  • Helps positive feelings to flow 
  • Deeply healing/restorative effect on all systems 

Imagine your heart centre expanding! 

For a deeper look at Heart Coherence, you might like to check out the amazing work that the HeartMath Institute is doing here.

Morning Breathwork for Energy: Helpful Tips to Start the Day Revitalised
Morning Breathwork for Energy Helpful Tips
  • Choose a Quiet Space: Find a peaceful spot where you can sit comfortably without distractions.
  • Set a Time: Dedicate at least 10-15 minutes each morning for your practice, if you are serious consider 25-30 minutes!
  • Sit Comfortably: Sit upright with a straight back and relaxed shoulders. 
  • Bring Your Focus to Your Breath: Close your eyes and focus on your breath.
  • Choose Your Technique or Sequence: Select a breathwork technique or sequence that suits you.
  • Visualise Positivity: Imagine a positive emotion or peaceful scene while you breathe.
  • Stay Consistent: Practise daily to build a consistent morning routine.
  • Reflect: Take a moment to notice how you feel after each session.


Completely New to Breathwork? 

You might find it helpful to attend a breathwork event led by a certified professional breathwork facilitator, either online or in person if you’ve never practised breathwork before.

Also, check out this article on Breathwork for Beginners: How to Get Started with Breathwork – a Beginners Guide

Your 7 Step Morning Breathwork Routine

Now that you have a toolbox of powerful breathwork techniques, let’s put them into a morning routine that will have you bouncing out of bed like a kangaroo on caffeine.

Step 1: Wake Up and Hydrate

Start your day with a small glass of water to kickstart your metabolism and rehydrate after a night’s sleep.

Step 2: Diaphragmatic Breathing (5 minutes)

Begin with slow and low deep belly breathing to gently wake up your body and mind.

Step 3: Box Breathing (5 minutes)

Move on to box breathing to calm any residual sleepiness and sharpen your focus.

Step 4: Kapalabhati (3 minutes)

Ramp up the energy with Kapalabhati, clearing out any morning fog! Supercharge your energy and get ready to face the day.

*OPTIONAL EXTRA Step – Wim Hof Method (5 minutes)

If you have extra time, 5 minutes of the Wim Hof Method can give you an incredible energy boost and mental clarity.

Step 6: Alternate Nostril Breathing (3 minutes)

To balance your brain and give calm focus to your energy.

Step 7: Heart Coherence Breathing (3 minutes)

To get your system working in complete harmony, whilst using the least amount of energy and effort to do so – and to ensure you start the day on a positive note.

5 Benefits of Your New Morning Routine

By incorporating these breathwork techniques into your morning routine, you’ll enjoy a host of benefits:

 1. Energy: Start your day with a natural energy boost.

2. Mental Clarity: Clears the mental fog and improves focus.

3. Calmer: Begin your day feeling calm and centred.

4. Oxygenation: Enhances your body’s overall function.

5.  Balanced: Shift from fight-or-flight to rest-and-digest mode.

Reclaiming Your Energy through Breathing Practices

Breathwork helps balance the nervous system, allowing you to break free from survival mode. By activating the parasympathetic nervous system, breathwork promotes relaxation, clearer thinking, and energy restoration. 

Here’s a quick rundown of 6 additional benefits:

1. Reduces Physical and Emotional Stress

Less tension means more energy.

2. Boosts Immune System

Keeps you healthy and energetic.

3. Improves Digestion

Less stress on your organs means better nutrient absorption and energy levels.

4. Rewires Your Brain 

Enhances mental agility and creativity.

5. Feel Good Hormones

Breathwork boosts endorphins! 

6. Helps You Get a Better Night’s Sleep

Helps you sleep better. Better sleep equals more energy!

Bringing Breathwork into Daily Life

By now, you’re probably excited to start incorporating breathwork into your mornings. But why stop there? Breathwork can be a game-changer throughout your entire day. Here are a few tips on how to seamlessly integrate these techniques into your daily routine: 

1. Midday Energy Boost: Feeling that dreaded afternoon slump? Instead of reaching for another cup of coffee, try a quick breathwork session:

2. Minute Kapalabhati: Find a quiet space, sit comfortably, and perform Kapalabhati breathing for two minutes. This will clear your mind and provide a quick burst of energy.

 3. Stressful Situations: Whether it’s a challenging meeting or a hectic commute, breathwork can help you stay calm and focused.

4. Box Breathing: Practice box breathing for a few minutes to centre yourself and reduce anxiety. This is perfect for calming nerves before presentations or difficult conversations.

5. Evening Wind-Down: Just as breathwork can invigorate your mornings, it can also help you unwind and prepare for a restful night. Choose from these calming techniques, or do both!!

6. Diaphragmatic Breathing: Spend 5 to 10 minutes practising diaphragmatic breathing followed by extended exhalation breathing before bed to relax your body and mind, setting the stage for deep, restorative sleep. 

7. Extended Exhalation Breathing: Inhale deeply through your nose for a count of four, then exhale slowly and completely through your nose or mouth for a count of eight. This technique helps activate your parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation and setting the stage for deep, restorative sleep.

Final Thoughts 

Breathwork is a versatile, powerful tool that can transform your energy levels, mental clarity, and overall wellbeing. By incorporating these techniques into your morning routine and throughout your day, you’ll find yourself more energised, focused, and balanced. 

Remember, the key to success with breathwork is consistency. Make conscious breathing a daily habit, and over time, you’ll notice significant improvements in your energy and vitality. Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or new to breathwork, these simple practices can have a profound impact on your life. 

So, take a deep breath, embrace these techniques, and start each day with the energy and enthusiasm you deserve. Your journey to a more vibrant, energised life begins with a single breath. Happy breathing!

Anya is a yoga & IRest meditation teacher, breathwork instructor, divemaster and writer, ocean lover and solo adventurer.

She thrives on change and transformation, and spends part of her year working and living in the Amazon with indigenous doctors, learning about their system of healing, and helping to facilitate transformational retreats.

Breathless Journal