Breathless is Leading Australia’s Breathwork Movement since 2018

Experiences, expeditions and education to unlock your potential, open your heart and let your breath set you free

Breathe Well, Live Better.

This is the best service I've ever used!

John Doe


The Space In Between
the Head and the Heart science and spirituality the past and the future who you are, and who you are becoming

Breathless is a complete holistic system of breathwork techniques, taught in multidimensional ways from workshops to consultations and classes to online courses and app based instruction.

Established in 2018, breathless has been at the forefront of the rapidly growing breathwork movement and has taught over 20.000 people through our workshops, retreats and training.

There is no one size fits all, however, breathwork is and should be made accessible to everyone and Breathless is the world’s first comprehensive breathwork school that offers a complete Breathwork training as a modality.

What is Breathwork?

Breathwork means many different things to different people. From how we breathe day to day, during exercise, during sleep, through to simple techniques you can use to regulate your nervous system, all the way through to deep transformational modalities – you’d be forgiven if you find it all a little confusing!

Uncover the full spectrum of what breathing exercises have to offer and learn how this simple and accessible tool can help master your body and mind, and ultimately change your life.

Workshops Ran
Expeditions Completed
Instructors trained


“The best of the best, when it comes to the breath.”

— Layne Beachley

Why Breathless?

We breathe on average 20,000 times a day yet most of us are unaware of its incredible ability to transform the way we feel. Most assume the autonomic action of everyday breathing is sufficient.

The truth is many people breathe in shallow and constricted patterns and we all have experiences in life that affect our breathing patterns.

Stress, illness, anxiety, lack of sleep, too much screen time, too little outdoor time in nature – the modern world influences the way we breathe and the way we live on every tangible level.

All of these factors impact our homeostasis – the place our body most likes to be – causing us to be out of touch with nature and out of touch with ourselves.

When we are out of balance within or without, our entire physiology reacts and this impacts on our physical and mental state.

Yet we all hold the magic key to changing this.

Our breath.

Our breathing says a lot about how we deal with the world around us, with the stresses and strains of everyday life, how we process all these experiences and then store them in our bodies.

“It all starts and ends with the breath”

“A breath of love can take you all the way to infinity” – Rumi

We can use it to manipulate how we feel, how our body regulates and processes not just our physical responses but also our emotions and overall well being.

So that’s why we created Breathless.

Because by getting back to a natural, more optimal way of breathing, we can improve the way we live.

Breathless is the culmination of years of practising different breathing protocols and holistic wellbeing methods, studying under some of the world’s most renowned breathwork experts and researching into the science, both old and the new.

Taking well known, ancient breath techniques with new and altogether revolutionary neuroscience and studies into human potential, we are bringing all this knowledge together in one place.

By learning to become aware of our breath and how it impacts on us, we can influence our health, our mental state, the way we feel, the way we move, the way we live.

When we control our breathing, we control our awareness, our focus and our energy, our life force. Breathing is a behaviour. Breath control is self control. Breath awareness is self awareness. When the breath flows fully and freely our natural creative and healing energies flow fully and freely.

In short, to breathe a deep, free breath means to live a deep, free life.

But Breathless is not about trying to do more.

It’s about restoring the natural flow of breathing, the body’s ability to balance and our pure sense of being in the world.

To gain more awareness.

To make better choices.

To lose what’s not serving you.

Because by getting back to a natural, more optimal way of breathing, we can improve the way we live.

Breathless is more than just breathing.

It’s more than just a set of tools and techniques, knowledge

It’s about coming together in a safe environment with other like minded souls to embark on a journey together.

For some, that is an adventure. A quest is to find their best self.

For others, it’s an opportunity to unlock untapped potential.

Some come to process an experience they’ve been unable to deal with.

And then there are those who are simply looking to learn something new, curious to find out what their body has to teach them.

Breathless is a combination of connecting to nature, connecting to each other and learning new things in the process.

Of letting go and feeling into being.

Having the tools, the knowledge and the experience to take back into your everyday life.

Learning how to live in the space between each breath

Imagine being able to dial up your energy whenever you felt it flagging, without any caffeine, sugar or other stimulant to give you an artificial adrenaline kickstart.

Imagine managing everyday stresses and strains in a calm, effortless way.

To be able to relax into intensity.

To be in control of intense situations instead of having them control you.

To get a natural high in just three minutes whenever and wherever.

No drugs, no alcohol, no harmful side effects.

That’s the power of the breath.

That thing we take for granted to keep us alive.

Yet there is so much more to our breath than simply supplying the body with oxygen and getting rid of carbon dioxide.

Dysfunctional breathing patterns can cause low energy, anger, depression, anxiety, IBS and stubborn weight to mention but a few.

Breathing dysfunctionally steals your energy and takes your focus away from you.

The good news is breathing is directly connected to the master lever of the central nervous system. Do it better and you can:

  • Lose weight without any crazy fad diets or intense workout regimes
  • Achieve deep meditative states without sitting still for hours on end
  • Boost your energy and joy levels without any stimulants or drugs
  • Fall into a deep sleep when you most need it
  • Blast through depressive states
  • Tame anxiety in those moments of need
  • Access focus and creativity on demand
  • Boost physical and mental performance

Free 7-Day Breathwork
Online Course

The launchpad for your breathwork journey.
Learn the foundations of better breathing in this 7 day mini series with Johannes Egberts.

Breath is the Bridge Between Ancient and Modern, the Head and the Heart, Science and Spirituality

Breathless works with multiple universities in Australia to study the techniques we use and their application in the modern world. At our core, lies a desire to effect change in as many lives as possible through the wonders of breathwork.

The Mission

Breathless is on a mission to elevate the quality of breathwork instruction
in order to impact as many lives as possible in powerful and progressive ways.

Bridging the Gap

The connection between ancient practices and modern science is very clear: intentional deep breathing is a natural and effective way to improve not only physical health, but mental and emotional health as well.

For many years, breathwork was either a medical intervention that was only used by people with respiratory ailments, or a spiritual practice that was often seen as vague and woo by the western world. But now we live in a time where science and spirituality can walk hand in hand to empower our modern lives.

It is our mission to respect and explore the depths of the spiritual practice, while explaining, clarifying and demystifying breathwork with modern western language.

Lungs of the Earth

Our breath, and by extension our wellbeing, is profoundly influenced by the well-being of our environment. And vice versa. The very oxygen fueling our cells originates from the rainforests and the vast expanses of the ocean. These critical ecosystems are the lungs of our planet, and their preservation is paramount to the well-being of all life.

We donate 10% of our profits towards the conservation of the Great Barrier Reef and the Amazon Rainforest. This allows our clients to pay tribute to two of nature’s greatest oxygen providers, while equipping themselves to do transformational work in others’ lives.


We set out to train and certify passionate instructors who are trauma informed, socially-aware, and capable of assisting people from all walks of life. Our instructors are school teachers, first responders, medical professionals and mental health care workers.

Recognizing that every breath holds the potential to reshape an individual’s state and enhance their readiness for life’s demands, we are committed to making breathwork accessible to everyone, everywhere.

We’ve yet to meet someone who doesn’t deserve to breathe a little easier.


About The Founder

Johannes Egberts

Published Researcher, Author, Keynote Speaker, Athlete & Breathwork Instructor

Over the past 6 years I’ve done nothing but researching, teaching and studying breathing and its role in healing and human performance.

I’ve published research into Breathwork and Anxiety and had the honour to work alongside the key thought leaders in this space. From researchers, to shamans, yogis, MD’s, exercise physiologists and psychiatrists. To deepen my understanding of respiration and its role in human transformation.

But more importantly, we’ve been able to teach these techniques and principles to over 20,000 humans today through hundreds of workshops, retreats and training.
I’m on call to the 1% of high performers here in Australia, working with leading companies, universities, olympic athletes as well as addiction recovery centres and mental health care facilities to help the world breathe easier.

These are the principles I teach on a daily basis. They saved my life. Changed my life, and became my life. To me, the breath is a gift that keeps on giving, and I hope you get as much out of it as I do.

Here to help you breathe well, and live better.

Trusted by

Breathless Journal


Frequently Asked Questions

Getting a clear understanding of your goals and helping you map out your vision and direction moving forward are a big part of the breathwork teacher training. Our breathwork facilitator course is designed so that you can begin teaching breathwork, running workshops, and producing content as soon as you qualify.

Breathwork instructor certification will be granted upon completion of the training, including support with setting up insurance, liability, and indemnity. However, as part of the training, you will already be working with friends and family and the public at large as soon as you are ready.

Johannes: For everyone who trains as a Breathless breathwork instructor, your success is mine, and I will do my best to work with you to get you setup and teaching breathwork within your first few months of qualifying. This will include framing your unique position in the market, step-by-step processes on perfecting your offerings and helping assisting myself and other instructors in live workshops to build your confidence.

Finding the right breathwork instructor training for you is far more than a list of what you’ll get.

Is this a movement you want to be part of? Do you like the culture? Do the values resonate with you? Are these the sort of people you want to hang out with and learn with and from? Do you want to work alongside and be affiliated with this group or do you just want a fancy title? If something doesn’t feel right, then it probably isn’t.

But if the message, mission and values speak to you, then you will move mountains to become part of that tribe.

As part of the Breathless family, you will be a student of life, for life. Surrounding yourself with a tribe of likeminded individuals committed to growth and bringing this method to the world is as empowering as it is worthwhile.

This is not just another personal development seminar or self-help course that promises the goods just as soon as you buy ‘the next course’. Our breathwork facilitator training is of the highest standard, with the promise not only will this be the last breathwork instructor course you’ll ever need to take but also that you will be part of a movement and a tribe who share your goals, aspirations and determination to help people learn to help themselves.

Johannes: I obtained 10 breathwork certificates before starting Breathless. Travelling the world on a shoestring, always looking to get myself in the right room, at the right time, asking the right question, I learned more about the art and science of breathing and myself then I imagined was possible but what I really took away was the importance of culture and community.

The idea that certain methods or individuals are holding onto the key, the secret or the undivulged wisdom is outdated. We’re all looking at the same research papers, distilling the same principles into practices and drawing from the greats that have come before us.

What matters most is the people, the community and the connections.

At Breathless, we offer all that and world class breathwork instructor training.

A breathwork instructor is committed to sharing and developing the world of breathing exercises. Past students guide breathwork sessions for groups in the form of workshops, teaching in the workplace and schools, coaching sports teams and yoga practitioners and working with the general public. Other breathwork instructors incorporate breathing practices into their existing work as coaches, naturopaths, health practitioners and counsellors.

For some, becoming a breathwork instructor simply means a lifelong commitment to breathing the best they can.

For others, it’s about helping their families and loved ones make the most of every breath.

The 3 month breathwork instructor training program is broken down into three phases.

Upon signing up, you will create your profile and gain access to our training platform. There you’ll find study materials, including the instructor manual, our extensive resource library, guided breathing practices and so much more.

Phase 1 consists of 10 hours of pre-recorded lectures. These are to be viewed in your own time during the course.

Phase 2 brings us together for a 5 day immersion in person training. This unique retreat brings together the practice and theory through intensive workshops, stimulating discussions and adventures in nature as you connect further with yourself and your new tribe.

Phase 3 is where you apply everything you’ve learned through our 28 day Boundless Breathwork program. You’ll receive daily recorded breathing sessions, keep a breathwork journal and join the weekly calls or view recordings if you can’t make a session. You’ll also have a mentoring session to start mapping out your pathway as a breathwork instructor.

Sign up to one of the upcoming Breathwork Instructor Trainings through the booking platform. These are listed by the dates for the 5-day immersion, but as soon as you book in you’ll receive full access to the portal, books and practices. Create your profile on the learning portal and you’re all set.

In commitment to our long term vision, we’ve built the most comprehensive learning platform in the breathwork movement to date. Inside our rapidly growing resource library, there are lectures, guided breathwork sessions and online seminars to which you will have unlimited access as a Breathless breathwork instructor.

However, we are not here to push you into anything for which you are not ready for. The 10 hours of self study materials, which are prerequisite to breathwork certification, have been adapted to suit all learning styles. Complex lectures have also been recorded in conversational podcasts to suit those with limited time and busy lifestyles. The learning platform is designed to be highly practical and compelling so as to aid in your own transformation, build your confidence and enhance your competence to become the best breathwork instructor you can be.

We want this training to be accessible to anyone who feels drawn to this work which is why we offer our breathwork instructor training.

The growth of our community, the chance to help people transform their lives and opportunity to inspire excellence in this industry is way above any financial gain.

Whilst we provide the highest possible standard of training to all levels of breathwork facilitators, we are not interested in running an elite club. We’re in this for the long run.

Some instructors will go on to run a wildly successful breathwork businesses, others will simply reap the rewards of being part of a positive movement that supports all areas of life.

We believe is that any professional not teaching breath right now is missing out on having impact, purpose and profit. Those purporting to be breathwork instructors with little or no training are causing damage to the viability of this work.

What we need is a higher standard and those willing to invest in themselves will lead the way.

We will provide intricate guidelines on pricing and establishing the value of your work as well as business coaching, marketing advice and more.

Put simply, you can expect to earn your investment back within the first 2 months of teaching.

Johannes: I built a 6 figure business from scratch in my first year of teaching. I then
invested every single dollar straight back into my learning and development as a breathing instructor, and to this day, I still do. I am committed to your success as much as you are. For me, money has never been the driving factor behind my teaching. It became simply a by-product of building the lifestyle, tribe and purpose of my dreams.

10% of all our profits are donated towards the conservation of the Great Barrier Reef and the Amazon Rainforest. This means that you’re helping support two of nature’s greatest oxygen providers and protecting these wonders for future generations as well as equipping yourself to do transformational work in others’ lives.

The field of breathwork is one of the most rapidly expanding lifestyle practices today.

With the mindfulness, yoga and meditation movements already established, breath is the new movement and it is here to stay.

More and more people are waking up to the idea that conscious breathing is one of the most powerful remedies to our modern human condition.

We are at a unique point in time where science has finally caught up with spirituality.

This is an opportunity for breathwork instructors to connect the fields of ancient wisdom with modern applications and help people optimise every breath they take, take responsibility for their own personal healing, expand their consciousness and become more grounded, centred human beings.

Getting a clear understanding of your goals and helping you map out your vision and direction moving forward are a big part of the breathwork teacher training. Our breathwork facilitator course is designed so that you can begin teaching breathwork, running workshops, and producing content as soon as you qualify.

Breathwork instructor certification will be granted upon completion of the training, including support with setting up insurance, liability, and indemnity. However, as part of the training, you will already be working with friends and family and the public at large as soon as you are ready.

Johannes: For everyone who trains as a Breathless breathwork instructor, your success is mine, and I will do my best to work with you to get you setup and teaching breathwork within your first few months of qualifying. This will include framing your unique position in
the market, step-by-step processes on perfecting your offerings and helping assisting myself and other instructors in live workshops to build your confidence.

Finding the right breathwork instructor training for you is far more than a list of what you’ll get.

Is this a movement you want to be part of? Do you like the culture? Do the values resonate with you? Are these the sort of people you want to hang out with and learn with and from? Do you want to work alongside and be affiliated with this group or do you just want a fancy title? If something doesn’t feel right, then it probably isn’t.

But if the message, mission and values speak to you, then you will move mountains to become part of that tribe.

As part of the Breathless family, you will be a student of life, for life. Surrounding yourself with a tribe of likeminded individuals committed to growth and bringing this method to the world is as empowering as it is worthwhile.

This is not just another personal development seminar or self-help course that promises the goods just as soon as you buy ‘the next course’. Our breathwork facilitator training is of the highest standard, with the promise not only will this be the last breathwork instructor course you’ll ever need to take but also that you will be part of a movement and a tribe who share your goals, aspirations and determination to help people learn to help themselves.

Johannes: I obtained 10 breathwork certificates before starting Breathless. Travelling the world on a shoestring, always looking to get myself in the right room, at the right time, asking the right question, I learned more about the art and science of breathing and myself then I imagined was possible but what I really took away was the importance of culture and community.

The idea that certain methods or individuals are holding onto the key, the secret or the undivulged wisdom is outdated. We’re all looking at the same research papers, distilling the same principles into practices and drawing from the greats that have come before us.

What matters most is the people, the community and the connections.

At Breathless, we offer all that and world class breathwork instructor training.

A breathwork instructor is committed to sharing and developing the world of breathing exercises. Past students guide breathwork sessions for groups in the form of workshops, teaching in the workplace and schools, coaching sports teams and yoga practitioners and working with the general public. Other breathwork instructors incorporate breathing practices into their existing work as coaches, naturopaths, health practitioners and counsellors.

For some, becoming a breathwork instructor simply means a lifelong commitment to breathing the best they can.

For others, it’s about helping their families and loved ones make the most of every breath.

The 3 month breathwork instructor training program is broken down into three phases.

Upon signing up, you will create your profile and gain access to our training platform. There you’ll find study materials, including the instructor manual, our extensive resource library, guided breathing practices and so much more.

Phase 1 consists of 10 hours of pre-recorded lectures. These are to be viewed in your own time during the course.

Phase 2 brings us together for a 5 day immersion in person training. This unique retreat brings together the practice and theory through intensive workshops, stimulating discussions and adventures in nature as you connect further with yourself and your new tribe.

Phase 3 is where you apply everything you’ve learned through our 28 day Boundless Breathwork program. You’ll receive daily recorded breathing sessions, keep a breathwork journal and join the weekly calls or view recordings if you can’t make a session. You’ll also have a mentoring session to start mapping out your pathway as a breathwork instructor.

Sign up to one of the upcoming Breathwork Instructor Trainings through the booking platform. These are listed by the dates for the 5-day immersion, but as soon as you book in you’ll receive full access to the portal, books and practices. Create your profile on the learning portal and you’re all set.

In commitment to our long term vision, we’ve built the most comprehensive learning platform in the breathwork movement to date. Inside our rapidly growing resource library, there are lectures, guided breathwork sessions and online seminars to which you will have unlimited access as a Breathless breathwork instructor.

However, we are not here to push you into anything for which you are not ready for. The 10 hours of self study materials, which are prerequisite to breathwork certification, have been adapted to suit all learning styles. Complex lectures have also been recorded in conversational podcasts to suit those with limited time and busy lifestyles. The learning platform is designed to be highly practical and compelling so as to aid in your own transformation, build your confidence and enhance your competence to become the best breathwork instructor you can be.

We want this training to be accessible to anyone who feels drawn to this work which is why we offer our breathwork instructor training.

The growth of our community, the chance to help people transform their lives and opportunity to inspire excellence in this industry is way above any financial gain.

Whilst we provide the highest possible standard of training to all levels of breathwork facilitators, we are not interested in running an elite club. We’re in this for the long run.

Some instructors will go on to run a wildly successful breathwork businesses, others will simply reap the rewards of being part of a positive movement that supports all areas of life.

We believe is that any professional not teaching breath right now is missing out on having impact, purpose and profit. Those purporting to be breathwork instructors with little or no training are causing damage to the viability of this work.

What we need is a higher standard and those willing to invest in themselves will lead the way.

We will provide intricate guidelines on pricing and establishing the value of your work as well as business coaching, marketing advice and more.

Put simply, you can expect to earn your investment back within the first 2 months of teaching.

Johannes: I built a 6 figure business from scratch in my first year of teaching. I then
invested every single dollar straight back into my learning and development as a breathing instructor, and to this day, I still do. I am committed to your success as much as you are. For me, money has never been the driving factor behind my teaching. It became simply a by-product of building the lifestyle, tribe and purpose of my dreams.

10% of all our profits are donated towards the conservation of the Great Barrier Reef and the Amazon Rainforest. This means that you’re helping support two of nature’s greatest oxygen providers and protecting these wonders for future generations as well as equipping yourself to do transformational work in others’ lives.

The field of breathwork is one of the most rapidly expanding lifestyle practices today.

With the mindfulness, yoga and meditation movements already established, breath is the new movement and it is here to stay.

More and more people are waking up to the idea that conscious breathing is one of the most powerful remedies to our modern human condition.

We are at a unique point in time where science has finally caught up with spirituality.

This is an opportunity for breathwork instructors to connect the fields of ancient wisdom with modern applications and help people optimise every breath they take, take responsibility for their own personal healing, expand their consciousness and become more grounded, centred human beings.

You will need a wetsuit, weight belt, weights, mask, snorkel and fins. You can also bring a neoprene hoodie, gloves and socks if you want to keep warmer, but it’s optional. You don’t have any equipment? Not to worry! We’ve got you, we can lend you the equipment for the course.

The physical requirements for freediving are being in good overall health and having basic swimming skills. As for age requirements, there is a Junior Freediver certification available for children aged 10 to 14, and the regular Freediver certification is available for individuals aged 15 and above.

The different freediving disciplines include static apnea, dynamic apnea, free immersion, constant weight, and variable weight. The disciplines can be performed with bifins, without fins or with a mono fin.

During the course we will learn static apnea, dynamic apnea, free immersion with fins and constant weight with fins.

Our typical Freediving Level 1 course lasts 2 days. Our Try Freediving Experience is 1 day long.
If you decided to get your certification with us on a Freediving Retreat or Freediving Expedition, we will have between 4 to 6 days to complete the course, giving you more time to slowly develop the skills and get a lot more of practice time to master this beautiful sport!

  • Being at least 10 years old for the Junior Freediver certification or 15 years old for the regular Freediver certification.
  • Participants must have basic swimming skills and be in good health without any medical conditions that could pose a risk during freediving activities.

The progression typically includes the following certifications:

  1. Try Freediving: The entry-level experience for beginners, focusing on basic knowledge, skills, and safety practices.
  2. Level 1 Freediver: A more comprehensive course that covers techniques such as breath-hold dives, equalization, and safety procedures over two days.
  3. Level 2 Freediver: This certification delves deeper into advanced equalization techniques, increased depths, and more challenging training exercises.
  1. Theory and knowledge: Understanding the basic principles of freediving, including physics, physiology, and safety procedures.
  2. Breathing and relaxation techniques: Learning proper breathing techniques to optimize oxygenation and relaxation for breath-holding.
  3. Equalization techniques: Mastering different methods to equalize the pressure in your ears and sinuses as you descend.
  4. Proper diving techniques: Developing proper body positioning, finning techniques, and streamlining to maximize efficiency and conserve energy.
  5. Safety and buddy procedures: Learning essential safety protocols, including proper buddy communication, rescue techniques, and emergency procedures.
  6. Static apnea: Training in static breath-hold exercises to improve breath-holding capabilities and relaxation while stationary in the water.
  7. Dynamic apnea: Practicing breath-hold swimming techniques, including underwater swimming with fins, to enhance endurance and efficiency.
  8. Open water dives: Conducting supervised open water dives to apply the skills learned in the course, including proper diving and recovery techniques.

By the end of the Level 1 course, you will have a solid foundation in the fundamental skills and knowledge necessary for safe and enjoyable freediving.

Freediving is safe when proper training, techniques, and safety protocols are followed. In our Freediving courses you will learn Freediving safety and protocols to keep you and your dive buddy always safe!

No, there are no additional fees or expenses… but just a heads up! Once you dip your toes into freediving, be prepared to kiss your money goodbye. Trips to breathtaking locations and shiny new equipment will become irresistible.

Breathless Expeditions is an adventure! It’s also an opportunity to learn breathwork practice or delve deeper into your existing knowledge of breath. Step away from a busy and demanding life, immerse yourself in nature whilst still having all the comforts of home. Feel invigorated, inspired and energised by the beauty of the Snowy Mountains.

Our packing list is a guide that considers the venue and the unpredictability of the weather. We want you to pack everything you need to make the most of this experience. Please discern what is suitable for you or contact us to discuss leading up to your expedition.

  • 2-3 x Pairs wool/merino socks
  • Beanie plus a cap or visor
  • Comfortable warm clothing
  • Easy slip-on shoes without laces (optional)
  • Gloves
  • Hiking boots or similar (*waterproof or leather ideal)
  • Pen and Paper / Journal
  • Reusable/Keep cup
  • Snacks if required in between meals (optional)
  • Swimwear (x2 minimum)
  • Sun Protection SPF, Sunglasses and or goggles
  • Towel (quick dry for outdoors) bathroom towels are supplied

Learn about breath whilst also igniting your sense of adventure. Swim in pristine glacial rivers, summit one of Australia’s highest peaks in minimal clothing and reach your highest potential during this unique weekend away. We will be there to guide and support you every step of the way, to help you make this your own well being journey. There will be meditation, breathwork, and lot’s of movement through the amazing snowy mountains.

Approx 2.5 hours south of Canberra, near the town of Jindabyne, is an area known as Crackenback. From here we explore the Snowy Mountains.

All delicious, healthy meals and snacks are provided throughout your stay. Most dietary requirements can be catered for and upon booking, you’ll be sent a registration form to let us know of any requirements you may have.

We stay at Pender Lea, classis swiss style chalets. They say home is where the heart is and Pender Lea is all heart. The chalets have sauna and spa facilities, open fire places, under floor heating, a kitchen and laundry facilities – you’ll be comfortable and cosy. Rooms are twin or loft triple share.

You don’t need a high level of fitness to participate in Breathless Expeditions. A reasonable amount of mobility and fitness is ideal as some aspects of the trip include walking uphill, crossing creeks, or walking on snow. However, be rest assured we move as a team – no one is left behind.

You will need to make your own way to the Crackenback, which is roughly 6 hours drive from Sydney. Please let us know in your registration form (you will receive this on booking) if you’d like to lift share or offer a ride. If travelling by air we suggest you fly into Canberra and then we do our best to arrange car pooling or worst case scenario car hire is available which may be an otion to share with other guests arriving at the same destination.

DISCLAIMER: Breathwork offers many potential benefits, but certain conditions may create risks for some individuals. It is essential to read all questions in Breathless Waiver above carefully before deciding if Breathwork is right for you, and let your health practitioner know about any concerns before participating. There are some contraindications including but not limited to pregnancy, glaucoma, high blood pressure not controlled with medication, cardiovascular disease, aneurysm in the brain or abdomen, uncontrolled thyroid conditions and diabetes, asthma (if you have an inhaler, bring it to the session), epilepsy, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia diagnosis or previous psychiatric hospitalisation within the last ten years; other medical or physical conditions that impair the ability to engage in intense physical/emotional release.

A positive answer does not necessarily exclude you from participating but may require medical clearance first. So, carefully reviewing all questions in the waiver and indicating any relevant personal situations before engaging in Breathwork activities is essential.

In our experience, this session is more appropriate for those that are aged 18 and above because adolescents may not have the emotional maturity or life experience needed to fully understand or benefit from the techniques. Please contact us to discuss under-18 years of age attendance as we assess on a case-by-case request. Please articulate the event date, venue and participant’s date of birth etc.

Johannes Egberts refused to let his difficult upbringing define him. With a thirst for self-discovery and a love of unconventional experiences, he unexpectedly discovered the power of breathwork that changed the trajectory of his life forever.

Johannes has led the breathwork movement since 2018 and is considered Australia’s  leading breathwork instructor. He offers unique experiences designed to foster team building and life resilience to a portfolio of impressive clientele ranging from professional athletes, renowned authors and some of Australia’s high-profile companies. Since founding Breathless in, he has trained over 20,000 people in breathwork,  published research into breathwork and trained more than 300 breathwork instructors.

Today, Johannes Egberts is a breathwork mentor for many and has trained hundreds of Breathwork Facilitators. Some of these facilitators are recognised by Breathless Expeditions as Master Instructors. In the event listing you will be advised who is facilitating the session that you are looking to join.

If Breathless cancel or reschedule a snow expedition you are entitled to a full refund less ticket fees if booked on Eventbrite which are non-refundable. All cancellations within seven (30) days of the event will receive a one time credit to redeem within twelve months of the event date.

Cancellations to confirmed bookings made between 30 days and 15 days prior to arrival will incur a 50% administration/cancellation fee.

Cancellations to confirmed bookings within 14 days of arrival will incur a 100% administration/cancellation fee

Tickets may be transferable between 30 days and 15 days and will incur a 10% administration charge by submitting a new registration form and waiver in addition to payment of the fee and contacting Breathless Expeditions in writing to request the change and documentation.

To breathe well in today’s world is a revolutionary act.
The better we do it, the better we are as humans on every level. So let go, look within, go beyond and join the revolution today.

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